St Philomena College: Department of Hindi Celebrates Hindi Divas

St Philomena College: Department of Hindi Celebrates Hindi Divas


Puttur : Hindi Divas was celebrated by the Department of Hindi in Association with the Hindi Sabha of St Philomena college on 2 November, 2022

After the dignitaries inaugurated  the activities of the Hindi Sabha  for the current academic year by lighting the lamp, the  Vice Principal Prof Ganesh Bhat in his presidential remarks he said “ More than half a billion population speaks Hindi in the world. Its importance is found as it is the National Language and official language of Northern parts of India. The day is celebrated to   showcase the importance of Hindi language and literature”.  

As the  day commemorates the event when Hindi was adopted as one of the official languages of India,  he   inspired students to write creative articles in Hindi and publish the same in the College Souvenir and Wallboard Magazines of the College.   

Campus Director Rev. Fr Stany Pinto spoke on the importance of Hindi language and said that each language has its own beauty and it is same in the case of Hindi too.   Ms Dimple Tauro Lecturer in the Dept of Hindi gave a brief introduction of the Hindi  Diwas. Student representative Karthik K R of III BCA  welcomed the gathering and Lokender Singh of III BBA  proposed a vote of thanks. Disha and Shenoy Prem Karunakar of I BCA compered the program. HoD, Hindi Dr Dimple Fernandes was present on this occasion. Cultural program was organized immediately following the formal program.

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