  P.Raveendran, IRTS assumes charge as PCCM of Southern Railway

P.Raveendran, IRTS assumes charge as PCCM of Southern Railway


 P. Raveendran, IRTS has assumed charge as the Principal Chief Commercial Manager (PCCM) of Southern Railway on 12th January 2023. 

An alumnus of the College of Engineering, Guindy, Shri P.Raveendran joined Indian Railways as an Officer of Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) cadre belongin to 1988 batch.  Prior to taking over as PCCM, Southern Railway, he held the post of Chief Claims Officer, Southern Railway.


P. Raveendran has specialized in railway operations and focuses on increasing efficiency and asset utilization in railway freight operations. He has varied experience in the areas of Logistics, infrastructure development and multi-modal logistics business, etc.  Earlier, he has served as Chief Freight Transportation Manager, Southern Railway, Group General Manager, Container Corporation of India (CONCOR) and Divisional Railway Manager, Khurda Road and Chairman, Chennai Port Trust. 


The Hon'ble Railway Minister's Award for meritorious service had been presented to Shri P. Raveendran while he held the position of Senior Divisional Operations Manager for the Chennai Division of Southern Railway.


P. Raveendran had undergone long-term training in Passenger Transportation in Urban Agglomeration in Germany.  Further, as part of his earlier assignments, he had also visited countries like China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Belgium. 

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